May 28, 2011

The CHOCOLATE Keyboard.

I love chocolate. The other day I got chocolate on my keyboard. "Crapola!" I thought, "now it's gonna be all dirty and sticky." And then I thought, "Hey, I wonder if there are any brown coloured keyboards...?" It would be great to have one so the chocolate wouldn't show up, right?

And then my imagination bulldozed me.
Introducing The CHOCOLATE Keyboard!!
This one is milk chocolate (for kids).

It could also come in dark chocolate (very sexy).

And with almond chunks (for nutty keyboardage, my personal fave).

With one of these, I could type away and not worry about the chocolate mess. And if I get hungry I could just eat the "F1" key. Who ever uses that anyway?

True, my keyboard would be stickier than ever. But for someone who draws stick figures? Not a problem.

Where can I get one of these?!?

You have the opportunity to make someone else smile by sharing.


  1. Now THAT's my kind of cartoon! :)

  2. HAHAHAHAHA I WANT ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! With almonds of course ;-)

  3. love love LOVE it! I'll take... 10.

  4. AWESOME!!! Where can I place my order? You better put me down for two coz I might eat a whole one, then I'd have nothing to type my blogs with which is a No No...and I'm glad how you have Almond chunks and not peanut. My daughter has peanut are so thoughtful Hmmm better make that 3 then!

  5. The one with almond chunks looks more like... uh, well, not chocolate.

  6. Mmmmm dark chocolate! I'd like a creme anglaise mouse please... :o)


  7. Why not just a chocolate overlay? I already don't get enough work done without adding a devoured keyboard to my distractions.

  8. I'm sure all of my computer keys have chocolate on them. Excellant idea, making them out of chocolate.


  9. I desperately need on of those. And, I'd like to suggest another model...a dark chocolate one with blueberries, raspberries, and nuts.

  10. remembers that the local chocolaterie sells chocolate laptops :)

  11. I received a chocolate 'puter mouse as a gift once.. :D it was delicious. So I'm pretty sure they exist. I'd be eating the numberpad first though. Followed by scroll lock. #geek

  12. mmm chocolate.
    I'd buy one. ;)

  13. Blogging would be messy, yet fun.

    I bought this flexible silicon keyboard. It's waterproof, and super easy to clean. You just wipe it down and you're done.

    Keeps things sanitized too. I'm kind of a germ freak like that.

  14. I would never again use all 140 characters on twitter or anywhere else because I would eat my keyboard.

  15. i want caramel with my chocolate. :)

  16. I knew you would do it! Ha ha ha!

  17. AWESOME idea. The only problem I foresee is that i would spend a lot of time trying to finish one blog post, because I'd keep eating my keyboard and have to replenish it often. ;)

  18. Come to think of it, they have chocolate cellphones.. why not keyboards? That would be awesome ;)

  19. Chocolate makes everything better!

  20. I would like a computer with a Chocolate User Interface. Forget touchscreens - chocolate is the future.

  21. I love you. You deliver like a good gangsta should. I need one of those chocolate almond keyboards STAT.
