October 6, 2016

Pitching on illustration jobs. Also VOTE.

A few weeks ago I was asked to pitch on an illustration job for none other than Randi Zuckerberg and Natasha Lewin. Pitching on a job can be tricky; it's something that should be approached with consideration.

Trusting the (potential) client is key; often an artist will be asked to pitch on a job just to plump out the choice, so you should have a sense that the client truly likes your work, and is giving you a fair shot. I measure the amount of energy and time I'm willing to invest, against how much free time I actually have. Can I produce something impressive enough in a short amount of time? Above all, does the concept inspire me? In this case, it did.

I guess I spent about a half day on these drawings - their concept was nice and tight, and the briefing was very clear, very professional. I can't tell you anything about the actual job, except to say that I didn't get it. I do retain the rights to my drawings though, so here they are: some cute character poses for my portfolio.

That's all for now folks.

Ps. Always remember: your vote is your voice!