July 9, 2010

Be Very, Very AFRAID.

I am back from teetering on the edge of laptop oblivion...!
Where was I? Oh yeah, right. The #whatsintheBOX contest about @WhyisDaddyCryin.

First though, here's another teaser for you. I know, the suspense is killing you, right?

Just look at him. The Daddy is eagerly, happily wating to unwrap his Fathers' Day gift. He has an almost childlike innocence. Awwww...

And you all seem to have some pretty inventive guesses as to what's in the box, I was starting to get a little nervous reading them. Gotta say it - I'm IMPRESSED.

As promised, I'm going to draw a winner from all of the entries at the end of the day tomorrow (Friday). I don't mean draw-draw, I mean draw as in 'names' from a 'hat'. Although actually drawing the winner is not a bad idea......come to think of it.....

But I digress. Tomorrow I'll select the winner using a random number generator (my ten year old son is good at that kind of thing) and I'll blog the announcement on Saturday.

Based on the remarkable life and times of daddy blogger extraordinaire WhyIsDaddyCrying.com, and coming SOON to a laptop near you, "Why is Daddy Really Crying" The sequel to this.
Please stand by!

What happens next? Click to find out...!


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