PickleWeasel Picture Riddles - by JC Little

PickleWeasel Picture Riddles (Books 1, 2 and 3), by JC Little 

These full colour books are packed with funny brainteasers for kids 8 -12, featuring our hero, the irrepressible PickleWeasel. Available in paperback with witty wordplay for older kids and parents to enjoy. Who knows? You might even learn some new words.

Fun Fact: All the PickleWeasel drawings in these books were drawn while I was playing in the "Draw Something" app, and then adapted for this book series. We're talking hundreds of drawings. True story.

BOOK 1! Paperback on Amazon.
BOOK 2! Paperback on Amazon.

BOOK 3! Paperback on Amazon.

Official Description:
"What's that playful PickleWeasel up to? 
There are 101 tricky PickleWeasel picture riddles in each book to have fun figuring out. Some of the words are easy and some are more of a challenge, with clues in every picture. You can "hide" and "reveal" the answers with your very own thumbs, and the words are inverted, for those who pride themselves on their upside-down reading skills. 
Story artist JCLittle has created a wacky, zany, super-fabulous and slightly educational collection of PickleWeasels for kids aged 8 - 12. 
Bonus: Flip the corners of the book to see a little animation, just for laffs. PickleWeasel is a jaunty fellow!"

The backs are the best - click to embiggen:


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