JC Little's blog - yay!

October 15, 2013

The UN-Bucket List.

You've heard of the Bucket List, a list of things you want to do before you kick the bucket? Well this is my UN-Bucket List.

My trusty assistant, PickleWeasel, will demonstrate!

There must be some shit you never want to do.

I made this list with Listly, so please feel free to vote up or down, or add to it - it's interactive - what's on your UN-Bucket List?


  1. Heh. Many things on your no list I've done & it was totally worth all of it, but only once!

    But, I did try to make a career out of storm chasing, I think that just goes with living in a top 10 city to be hit by a tornado....

    I'll have to think on this though....

    1. I plan to never go on a trending diet & hope I never get within 40lbs of my assumed ideal weight. I got within 40lbs of it once & looked horribly sick & anorexic...can't imagine how bad it would have gotten had pregnancy & then birth control hormones not stepped in....

  2. I've done 4, won't tell you which 4.

  3. My un-bucket list:

    Elephant shit cleaner at a zoo

    That person that walks behind the animals in parades and picks up their shit


    Basically anything to do with the cleaning up of shit in any form.

    I DO, however, want to move to Oregon and find Bigfoot, find definitive proof of aliens' existence, become a famous humor writer and chase tornadoes.

    Yes, I'm weird. I'm also pretty Damn cool.

    1. What if you walk through the Oregon wilderness and step in a fresh Bigfoot poop. What will you do then?

  4. Never need to fly in a single engine prop plane. Ever.

  5. OMG! This is GOOOOD! Mine are all of the above plus camping in the desert. And baking my own birthday cake. And attend my kids' funeral. Oh crap that's morbid. Think "LIGHT" . . . Light! Oh I know. Have a shooting star fall on my house. (I don't think I'm insured for that.)

    1. LOL! You crack me up! You know you can add to the list, right?

    2. I didn't know. Thanks for keeping me techno :-)

      PS. I am not "Solid Gold Watches". I swear that's not me.

      PPS. Miss hanging out with you. Hugs :-)

  6. Replies
    1. That's a good one. But at least you'd get to wear a turban.

  7. Definitely with you on the shark swimming and meat dress wearing. Especially together.

  8. Mountain climbing. I do not want to hook myself to cord and metal and climb the sheer face of a mountain. O.O Eaaugh!

  9. This made Shannon and I laugh so hard. Thanks for making this list. Amazingly, it's very similar to mine! Hugs my friend

    1. I'm glad you and Shannon are enjoying picturing me doing any of this. Got anything to add?

  10. I'd put "twerk" on my Unbucket List. Beyond the fact that I'd look like a fool if I did it wrong, I'd probably wind up burning someone's eyes out if they saw me attempting it.


Cuz You Rocketh.